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Summer and Construction Tools FREEbie

Hello my wonderful readers and followers! I know, I’ve been gone for awhile again. I’m probably one of the worst bloggers. I have good intentions and then life happens. The only thing that I now want to do is to TRY to blog more and give you all something to actually read.  Summer is here, so I’m going to put my best foot forward in this challenge!

construction hat and tool belt

I do come back bearing gifts though!  I have a FREEbie printable that you can download for a construction theme in your classroom or at home.  There are 20 word cards featuring construction tools.   This is a “write the room” activity with 3 differentiated writing sheets.  The writing sheets are 2 different styles of lines and 1 with the images of the tools.

Construction Word Wall cover with construction kids and barricade

If you’d like to download this FREEbie, just click on the cover image above.  I hope to see you more often.

Enjoy your summer!


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I Am Wonderfully Made

We just finished up our creation unit. I start them out with the days of creation and the next week, we go into how God made man and then rested. The following week, we do an “I am special” to go with God made me.

i am wonderfully made text

This year I’m used something that was new for me. I related it to Psalm 139:14, which states I am wonderfully made. This was so much fun and I loved having a verse that went along with the lesson. Here’s what we did….

We started by making our hand prints. I don’t know if they had more fun putting paint all over the hand or sprinkling glitter all over the hand print!

handprints made with paint - class sample photo

After they dried, we colored the frames around them and sent them home to share with their parents.

Next, we did a little writing practice by doing a tracing page.  I read the Psalm to them as they traced the words.

Psalm 139:14 tracing page - class sample photo

Again, I read the entire Psalm to them, then I read it sentence by sentence and they filled in the missing words.

Psalm 139:14 fill in the blank - class sample photo

With that hard part done, we moved onto the easiest part and that was the coloring page.

coloring page for Psalm 139:14 - class sample photo

I have to say that the kids really enjoyed all the activities.  I’m so glad that I went this direction this year and I might just do it from now on!  If you’re interest in this activity pack, please check it out here or “add to cart” here….

[add_to_cart id=”4368″]




